We all know that tiny little voice in our heads that loves to cast doubt on our abilities – that loves to whisper in our ears saying, “You’re not good enough – You’re not worth it.” But fear not, because today, we’re learning the 8 Simple Ways To Overcome Self-Doubt. Let’s kick that doubt to the curb and embrace our awesome selves! Every time you keep getting scared and nervous to take up a task because you doubt yourself. Maybe someone somewhere has called you coconut head, and you believed that. No dear, you’re not a coconut head (at least not that I know of). You are brave, courageous, and smart. Don’t let self-doubt drain your mental power, please. You can do this!
1. Positive Affirmations
Repeat after me: “I am capable, I am strong, and I’ve got this!” Positive affirmations are like daily pep talks for your soul. Remind yourself of your strengths, and watch the doubt fade away. Start your days off right, and be positive all through the day. Keep reminding your subconscious self that you’re an “Odogwu nwoke” or “Odogwu nwaanyi“. You’re a powerhouse – start believing it now!
2. Set Realistic Goals
Break your big goals into bite-sized, achievable tasks. Celebrate small victories along the way. Each step forward is a victory dance against self-doubt. Always make sure you have a vision you’re following. Be realistic, stop setting goals that only happen in fairytales. Set small small realistic goals and work diligently towards achieving them.
3. Embrace Failure as Growth
Failure is not the enemy; it’s a stepping stone to success. Learn from your setbacks, adjust your strategy, and come back stronger. Remember, even the pros were once beginners. When some people hear the word ‘failure’, they attach it to village people. Why? You are actually meant to see failure as part of your growing process. Learn from your failure, wipe your tears, and start back again; this time, STRONGER!
4. Surround Yourself with Positivity
Hang out with the cheerleaders, not the naysayers. Positive vibes are contagious. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and uplift your spirits. Surrounding yourself with positivity is one good way to overcome self-doubt. Take your time to fish out people that drain your energy and get you moody. You are the manager and HR of your life. Hire, fire, promote, and demote people accordingly. Don’t allow anybody to be giving you unnecessary headache. Pack them go one side.
5. Challenge Negative Thoughts
When doubt creeps in, challenge those negative thoughts. Ask yourself, “Is this thought helping me or holding me back?” More often than not, you’ll find it’s the latter. Challenge negative thoughts very well oo. Don’t sleep on it. When negative thoughts begin to creep in, challenge it – “Who Goes You!?”.
6. Focus on Your Strengths
We all have superpowers. Identify your strengths and use them to your advantage. Confidence grows when we acknowledge and amplify what we’re already good at. Search within yourself, and find your big strengths. Focusing on your strength is a simple way to overcome self-doubt. So, focus on your strength, and stop looking at your neighbor’s own.
7. Learn and Improve
Knowledge is power. If self-doubt stems from feeling unprepared, invest time in learning and improving your skills. The more you know, the more confident you’ll become. Read books, read articles, read blog posts, watch educative documentaries, take a trip, travel, hangout with smart-minded people, research, make great connections, get a mentor – Just make sure you become a different and better person each day.
QUICK TIP: Here at The JacyLaura’s Blog, you are going to learn and improve by following up with posts and stories as they are being published. Make sure to subscribe after reading this piece.
8. Celebrate Your Achievements
Last but not the least, take a moment to applaud your victories, no matter how small. Acknowledging your accomplishments builds a track record of success, drowning out the whispers of doubt. Most people don’t like celebrating small victories, they’ll be like, “Ah, this one is small; when I hit big I’ll celebrate.” See your mouth like ‘hitting big’. Don’t do that please; be grateful for every victory be it big or small. Celebrate all your achievements!
So, there you have it – eight powerhouse strategies to conquer self-doubt (8 Simple Ways To Overcome Self-Doubt). Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and every step forward is a triumph. Kick that doubt to the curb and let your confidence shine! Tell that self-doubt, “They no born you well!”.
Now that you’ve read the 8 Simple Ways To Overcome Self-Doubt, we’d encourage you to take it step by step. With time, you’d be so happy and proud of yourself and your great achievements. Scroll down to SUBSCRIBE to The JacyLaura’s Blog today so you don’t miss out on new educative, yet amusing posts like this. See you in the next post!