Home Health & Safety Tips How To Live A Soft Life

How To Live A Soft Life

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How To Live A Soft Life

I know you’re probably tired of all the headache that keeps ‘headaching‘ you once in a while, after exhausting days and weeks going about your business. We too, feel the same way. So, here at The JacyLaura’s Blog, we’re going to help you learn how to live a soft life – a soft baby girl and baby boy life because nobody came to this world to suffer.

In a world that often glorifies hustle culture and the pursuit of relentless productivity, it’s crucial to pause and reflect on the importance of how to live a soft life. A soft life is about intentionally creating a harmonious balance between work, self-care, relationships, and personal growth. It emphasizes embracing comfort, relaxation, and a gentle pace that promotes overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore some key principles and practices that can help you live a soft life, enabling you to find joy, fulfillment, and peace in the present moment. You actually deserve a soft life unless suffer head never tire you!

8 Key Principles & Practices On How To Live A Soft Life

1. Prioritize Self-Care to Live a Soft Life:

Taking care of yourself is a fundamental aspect of how to live a soft life. Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. You shouldn’t even be pricing or negotiating whether or not you need self-care, because YOU SURE NEED IT! Set aside time each day for activities that rejuvenate you, whether it’s reading a book, meditating, practicing yoga, enjoying a leisurely walk in nature, listening to cool and calm music that will put your body, mind, and soul at ease. Not the type of music that is loud and heavy, singing “tigbuo zogbuo” or “wahala wahala wahala”. Remember, self-care is not selfish but rather essential for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

2. Cultivate Mindfulness:

Learning how to live a soft life involves being fully present in the moment and cultivating mindfulness. Just be mindful of your present moment. Don’t overthink it. Don’t worry or bother yourself about the past or future. Slow down and savor the simple pleasures of life. We said simple o, don’t go and be pleasuring something else. Engage in activities with intention and immerse yourself in the experience. Whether it’s enjoying a cup of tea, spending quality time with loved ones, crushing on your nextdoor neighbor who doesn’t have a clue that you exist in this life, or even relishing a delicious meal, embracing mindfulness allows you to appreciate the beauty and richness of everyday moments.

3. Simplify and Declutter:

My wonderful readers, SIMPLIFY and DECLUTTER oo – we’re shouting it now so that you’ll hear. This third key principle and practice is mainly for our women and mothers that like holding on to unwanted items year in, year out. Simplicity is at the heart of a soft life. Take a closer look at your possessions, commitments, and daily routines. Let go of what no longer serves you and create space for what truly matters. Declutter your physical environment, streamline your schedule, and simplify your relationships. By simplifying, you can free up mental and physical energy to focus on what brings you joy and contentment. So start now to discard all the “ngwongwo” you’ve been storing for decades.

4. Nurture Meaningful Connections:

Human connection is vital to live a soft life. Foster meaningful relationships with family, friends, and community. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you. Individuals that when you see them like this, your body will just be sweeting you anyhow. Make an effort to spend quality time with loved ones, engage in heartfelt conversations (the key phrase there is “heartfelt conversations”, not conversations that will bring fight and quarrel), and create lasting memories. Cultivating a support system and sharing moments of joy and vulnerability can bring immense comfort and fulfillment.

5. Practice Gratitude to Live a Soft Life:

Gratitude is a powerful tool that can transform your perspective and enhance your overall well-being. Be grateful, stop giving bombastic side eyes each time you feel you didn’t get enough from someone. Take time each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for. Write them down in a gratitude journal or simply express them silently. Recognizing and appreciating the abundance in your life can help you cultivate a positive mindset, increase resilience, and deepen your connection to the present moment.

6. Set Boundaries:

Establishing healthy boundaries is crucial to live a soft life. Yes, you have to be serious in setting healthy boundaries. Learn to say “no” to commitments or activities that drain your energy or compromise your well-being. You mustn’t say “yes, yes, yes” all the time; akata ejeje. We know it can be difficult sometimes, especially when it comes from people that you’re so fond of, but believe us, it’s good for your well-being. Setting clear boundaries allows you to prioritize your needs and prevent burnout. It enables you to focus on activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

7. Embrace Slow and Restful Activities:

In a world that often values productivity and busyness, deliberately incorporate slow and restful activities into your routine. Everything shouldn’t be “nzogbu nzogbu – enyimba enyi”. Learn to embrace slow and restful activities. Have you thought of yoga, ballet dancing, or even golf? No – because your mind is in boxing, wrestling and WrestleMania. You want to watch and practice all the new tactics Anthony Joshua and AJ Styles are doing. You want the one that will be pumping your blood and increasing your blood pressure anyhow – continue.

Why not engage in hobbies that bring you joy, such as painting, gardening, taking a nice romantic stroll with a loved one, or playing an instrument. Allow yourself to indulge in guilt-free relaxation through reading, taking leisurely baths, or enjoying a soothing cup of tea. Embracing these moments of stillness and leisure can be profoundly nourishing for your mind, body, and soul.

8. Give Yourself a Special Treat:

Mr. & Mrs. Emeka and Amaka, it is now time to give yourself a special treat. You have worked endlessly from morning till night; Monday to Sunday (I would have said Monday to Friday but some people are so busy that they will work even on the weekends); January to December; year in, year out. Haba na! Take a break.

Some of you, it’s even your boss or your oga that will be begging you to take a leave. You don’t want to take your leave because you are the “Overall Champion Worker” – an award only you have created and given to yourself; OCV. Take a break please. You too, deserve to be taken care of. Learn to give yourself a special treat. It could be a nice outing with family and friends in a nice cozy and serene environment with good music playing. Relax your head. That your head has tried for you biko. Relax it.

Bro. Adamu and Sis. Olanrewaju, create out time once in a while to give yourself a special treat. You have been selfless to people, over the years. Now it’s time to be selfless to yourself. Most people fall in this category. They work so hard to take care of other people and forget to take care of themselves in the process. Don’t let this be you. We at JacyLaura.com are NOT saying you should stop taking care of others, but we want you to include yourself in all the TLC (Tender ~ Loving ~ Care).

Summary of How to Live a Soft Life

To sum it up, how to live a soft life is a deliberate choice to prioritize balance, comfort, and well-being in an increasingly fast-paced world. By incorporating self-care, mindfulness, simplicity, meaningful connections, gratitude, and restful activities into your daily life, you can create a nurturing and fulfilling existence. Remember, a soft life is not about avoiding challenges or responsibilities but rather about approaching them with grace and gentleness. So, take a deep breath, slow down, and embark on a journey to embrace the art of how to live a soft life.

Now that you’ve read this far, don’t you feel good and proud of yourself? I know you do and you’re smiling already; now please comment, and share this blog post to others so they may learn and smile as well. To stand the chance of being among the first set of people to get latest updates and information from The JacyLaura’s Blog, you’ll have to SUBSCRIBE – Subscribe today!

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