Do you know it takes you nothing much to be a fine girl? Do you know you can also look like all those your favorite celebrities and Instagram influencers? Well, in this Blog-Post, you will be learning how to apply the perfect makeup that suits your face. The perfect makeup that will make you outstanding and shine bright – not the one that will turn you to masquerade overnight. Lol.
In addition, all you need to do is to keep practicing and with time you’ll get that perfect touch you’ve always wanted on your face. Below is a guide to help you apply the perfect makeup. It has been simplified in 16 steps just for you.
We advise you to get a jotter and pen because this makeup lesson is going to be amazing and life-transformative. You too could actually become a social media sensation if only you believe and follow these well written and explained steps by JacyLaura.com.
Again, as a JacyLaura’s blog reader, you want to up your looks game at every single chance you get to. This is not the time to be dulling with your looks. Give them fire!!! Therefore read the 16 Fire Steps we have for you below.
16 Fire Steps On How To Apply The Perfect Makeup
1. Prepare Your Face to Apply The Perfect Makeup
Before any successful business owner steps out, they must have strategized and prepared for the day. The same thing applies here in makeup; you have to Prepare Your Face For The Perfect Makeup that is about to happen to her.
The first thing you are required to do before putting on your makeup is to Apply a Primer. Gently apply your primer on your face, in a circular motion until your face feels smooth all over. Primer helps your makeup to last long, manages oily skin, and prevents too much shine on your face.
2. Apply Your Foundation
After applying your primer and leaving it to dry for like 2 minutes, then the second step you want to take is to Apply Your Foundation. If you have a very oily skin, we would advise you to set your face before applying your foundation.
By setting your face, we mean you should apply powder on your face, especially on does areas that produce oil. After applying powder you can now go in with your foundation. Take a little portion at the back of your palm, and apply the foundation with your fingers by making spots on your face. Then, use the brush to spread it all over your face.
Apply your foundation the right way by tapping the brush on your face. Don’t go and be rubbing and swiping the brush all over your face, it won’t be nice that way. Just be tapping it gently on your face till it looks smooth. Remember, the goal is to learn how to apply the perfect makeup.
NB: If you do not have an oily skin, please don’t apply powder before your foundation.
3. Apply Your Concealer
When your foundation has come out nice and smooth, leave it for like 1 minute, then Apply Your Concealer. The purpose of applying concealer is to hide any acne, pimples, dark spots, wrinkles, or any comma you may have on your face, and also to highlight your face.
The main areas to apply concealer are listed below:
- Under the eyes, a bit close to the lower lashes,
- The center of your forehead,
- Down the bridge of your nose,
- Above and below your lips, and
- Any other area that has imperfection.
4. Apply Your Contour
Immediately after you apply your concealer, you have to Apply Your Contour. The aim of you applying contour is to enhance or change the shape of your face using the darkening/shadow effect.
The main areas you should contour on your face are:
- Under your cheekbones,
- Along your hairline,
- Along the sides of your nose, and
- The area under your jawline.
NB: Applying contour depends on individual face shape and unique facial features. So a contour method that would work well for Nkechi, might not be good for you because your face shape and facial features are different from hers.
5. Set Your Concealer For The Perfect Makeup
Before we go forward with this fifth step, let me commend you on keenly and carefully following up with the previous steps listed above. You’re doing well!
Now, the next step here is to Set Your Concealer. All you need to do here is to apply your setting powder ONLY on the areas you applied concealer. You want to gently press the powder on all the areas you had concealed.
Also, you can do what is called “Baking”. Baking simply means to apply setting powder to your face, and let it bake for like 5 – 10 minutes before dusting off.
6. Even Your Contour & Face For The Perfect Makeup
In this sixth step, you are required to Even Your Contour & Face. Use the powder-like contour that you have to smoothen and even out all the areas you applied contour. You don’t want your contour marks or lines to be showing heavily because it will make you look funny. Even them out!
Furthermore, even and smoothen your face with your brush by dusting off all the powder you had applied. You can use a translucent powder with the same color as your skin to give a more airbrushed finish to your makeup.
7. Work On Your Nose Contour
The seventh step is to Work On Your Nose Contour. Most makeup beginners and enthusiasts find this step very difficult because of the artistry needed to achieve it. But in actual sense, it is very simple.
We suggest you use just the powder-like contour to work on your nose. Use your small contour brush to contour along the sides of your nose and towards your eyebrows. Make sure to contour in a straight line along the side of your nose. Then use a powder-like concealer to highlight the center of the nose in a straight line.
Again, remember to contour under your nose, just at the connection between your nostrils. After all this, you even and smoothen your nose contour, to avoid harsh lines appearing.
8. Construct Your Eyebrows
If you are an engineering student or you studied an engineering course in school, this eighth step should be very easy for you. You see, when we tell people to go and study an engineering course, we know what we’re saying. But some people still went ahead to study Animal Husbandry and Law. Now they might find it difficult to draw an arc, even if given a protractor or compass.
So in this step, carefully draw and Construct Your Eyebrows. Try your best to make them look equal. Although we all know that no two eyebrows can literally look the same as they either have to be sisters or cousins, just try to make them look identical in any way you can.
Construct your eyebrows by drawing light strokes, and then you make it pointed towards the tip; making sure you carve out a perfect shape and arc.
9. Put On Your Eyeshadows
Because your eyebrows are now on point, the next thing you want to do is Put On Your Eyeshadows. Please note that before you put on your eyeshadows, you need to apply concealer over the crease and other areas you would apply your eyeshadow.
Moreover, depending on your mood and the function you’re attending, you can choose any color. But we recommend you stick to neutral and natural colors for your eyeshadow. Avoid those flashy colors especially as a beginner.
After you apply your chosen color, don’t forget to edge out the outside part of your eyelid and crease with dark brown or light black eyeshadow. It really makes it look nice, as your focus is on how to apply the perfect makeup.
10. How to Apply Your Eyeliner & Mascara
We know we’ve commended you before, but we still want to tell you that you’re doing well by gradually following these steps on how to apply the perfect makeup.
Next is our tenth step which is Apply Your Eyeliner & Mascara. The first one you want to apply is your eyeliner. Carefully apply your liquid eyeliner from the inner part of your upper eyelid to the outer part.
Let it be a thin straight line at the inner part of your eyelid, then you can make it a bit fatter as you get towards the outer part. Then apply your gel eyeliner along your lower eyelid. If you decide to draw wings, we suggest you make them moderate and simple, and NOT dramatic – so that you will not come and resemble what we don’t know.
Additionally, after applying your eyeliner, use your mascara to brush through your eyelashes so that each hair strand would stand at attention.
11. Prepare Your False Eyelashes
This eleventh step is very short. In fact, just like in the “11th hour”, you will get your beauty reward as soon as you Prepare Your False Eyelashes.
What you need to do here is to apply glue to the base/band of your false eyelashes. Make sure the glue you apply is very thin and smooth on the base/band of your false eyelashes. Then you leave it to dry a bit for some minutes.
12. Outline & Paint Your Lips
As you are waiting for the glue on your false eyelashes to get dry, you want to now Outline & Paint Your Lips. But before outlining your lips, ensure that you have set and softened it by applying a mild lip balm.
To outline your lips, preferably use a dark brown eye-pencil to carve out the shape of your lips. Next, you apply a nice lipstick; choose any color you desire. If you’re confused about choosing a color, stick to a nude lipstick shade – it works for everyone!
Then, mix your lipstick by gently rubbing your upper and lower lips together. After that, you apply your lip-gloss to give it a nice glossy shine. Here, your lip-gloss also serves as a form of invitation to the opposite sex, telling them that ‘oya o – we’re ready if you’re ready… for a lip-sync challenge’.
13. Apply Your Bronzer, Blush & Highlighter
In this thirteenth step, while you’re still waiting for the glue on your false eyelashes to get dry, Apply Your Bronzer, Blush & Highlighter.
Apply them accordingly, thus:
- Firstly, apply bronzer below your cheekbones.
- Secondly, apply blush on the apples of your cheeks.
- Lastly, apply highlighter on your upper cheekbones, your cupid (above your upper lip), down the bridge and tip of your nose, and below the arc of your eyebrows.
That should do it for this particular step!
14. Fix Your False Eyelashes
The fourteenth step on how to apply the perfect makeup is to Fix Your False Eyelashes. Now, this is the time you pick your eyelashes from where you had left them to dry.
For this step, you will be needing a Tweezer. Use the tweezer to gently pick your false eyelashes from the middle, close to the base/band, and place it on the middle part of your lash line, close to your real eyelashes. Then with the tweezer also, pick the outer end of your false eyelashes and place them on your lash line, and pick the inner end of your false eyelashes and place them on your lash line as well.
When you’re done with using the tweezer, you can now use your fingers to gently press the false eyelashes and your real eyelashes together until they are properly aligned. Read this step again so that you don’t go and fix the type that Agbo-Sellers use to fix.
15. How to Apply Your Finishing/Setting Spray
Please permit me to say once again that ‘You’re trying’ – ‘You’re really doing well’. See how you’re carefully taking note of all the steps written so far on how to apply the perfect makeup. Kudos to you girl!
Now back to business – Here, in this fifteenth step, after you must have followed through all the makeup steps and routine JacyLaura.com has dished out for you, you need to finish it up as you Apply Your Finishing/Setting Spray.
Just shake your setting spray, close your eyes, give a distance of like 8 – 10 inches away from your face, and spray fuu fuu fuu fuu fuuuuuu all over your face to set it, and give it that perfect finishing touch. Also, you should know that applying setting spray makes your makeup last longer and prevents it from fading or smudging.
So, Happy Setting Spraying!
NB: Remember to use your electronic hand-fan or stay in front of a fan so that your setting spray dries up quickly.
16. Look In The Mirror & Smile With The Perfect Makeup On
In this final step, this is where I want you to shine your teeth as wide as you can. On a serious note, jokes apart – Look In The Mirror & Smile. Admire the beauty that GOD has bestowed on you. All you just did was to polish it a little bit, because the truth is – even with all the makeup you have on, nothing beats natural beauty. So embrace, and fall in love with your natural beauty first, before following the steps on how to apply the perfect makeup.
Again, your mobile phone would perfectly come in handy here. Get them to use! Turn on your camera, and snap craze commot for your body. This is also the part you’re reminded to be turning your head like lizard in the camera, and be making all those short Snapchat videos, okay?
Great! Thank you for reading and completing the 16 Fire Steps On How To Apply The Perfect Makeup.
You just passed and excelled through JacyLaura’s makeup lesson with flying colors. For your first attempt, I’ll be giving you an A1. Yes! I’m that good – a very good lecturer for that matter. Seriously, if na me dey mark WAEC, NECO, & JAMB, omo everybody go pass on first sitting. Lol, just kidding.
If you learnt a thing or two, and your jotter was filled up after writing all the hot hot steps we were dishing you, please like, comment, and share this Blog-Post so that others may learn.
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Nice and well detailed step by step makeup tutorial, perfect for a beginner. Well done girlie
Thank you so much Chizzy. You know what they say – Practice makes Perfect!